17th Richmond PIMS Forum

AlpenGold Hotel, Davos, Switzerland

5 - 6 November 2025



Richmond PIMS Forum provides a platform for you to generate new business, renew friendships and to address current issues affecting your profession.

Through a blend of conference sessions and pre-scheduled meetings, Richmond PIMS Forum  will guide and educate you.

The forum will allow you to make new connections with people face to face, in person, real time. We believe in the power of being present. In a technological era, face to face interaction remains the most effective way of forming collaborative business connections. 

Why Choose Richmond Events?

28 Years Experience
Over 28 Years Experience
Bespoke Conference Programme
Bespoke Conference Programme
Unique Selection Process
Unique Selection Process
Team of People Ready to Answer Any Queries
Team of people ready to answer any questions 
Driving Industry Discussion
Driving Industry Discussion

Our conference programmes aim to give attendees the intellectual stimulus and opportunity to plan the next steps for their organisation, departments and careers.

The agendas are pitched at a high level and we endeavour to present new case studies and fresh thinking at each of our forums. By using a variety of session formats, we allow attendees to address the critical issues they currently face and identify quick fixes to immediate problems and consider longer term strategies.

Conference Text

Who Attends



Each of our attendees has a customized itinerary of business meetings, mealtime meetings, conference sessions and free time. Our unique appointment system allows participants to make the very best of their time by allowing delegates and suppliers to pre-select who they would like to meet. Our appointment system matches delegate and supplier selections in priority order to produce a personalized itinerary tailored to their individual requirements.

DELEGATES A Richmond delegate is a senior decision maker or influencer usually in charge of buying decisions who is normally invited to our events free of charge.
SUPPLIERS Companies offering a range of products and services to address the needs of delegates' future projects. New business generation is the cornerstone of the supplier element at all Richmond Forums.
SPEAKERS Experts in their fields who address key issues, stimulate discussion and debate and provide insight into practical solutions.


Meet The Team


Meet the faces behind the forum

Roman Lighvani

The Venue


AlpenGold Hotel



Baslerstrasse 9

+41 81 414 04 00